Uber - wages in Poland in 2023

How much does an Uber driver earn in different regions? What rates does Uber offer in your part of the country? Find out with our interactive maps!
Last update: 23 August 2023
Zarobki Uber ile można zarobić

Check out our interactive chart and find out how much an Uber driver earns in different parts of Poland. Last update: 23 August 2023.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is Uber and how much is earned on average at Uber in Poland
  • How much you can earn at Uber in each voivodeship
  • How much does an Uber driver earn per hour
  • How much does an Uber driver earn per trip
  • How working with Appjobs can improve your Uber earnings

How much does Uber driver earn in 2023? Summary

The average hourly rate in Uber is 33,39 PLN gross, while the average Uber earnings for 1 ride is 18,77 PLN gross. If you work for 40 hours a week, your earnings at Uber will reach around 5300 - 7600 PLN gross per month.

We were curious how much an Uber driver earns in Poland, so we surveyed Appjobs Work users. Below you will find interactive earnings maps that will show you how much an Uber driver earns in each voivodeship in Poland. We will update these maps regularly, so if you are interested in how Uber earnings change over time, save this post and come back to it once in a while.

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Uber driver rates and job characteristics

Uber is one of the most famous ride-hailing apps, connecting the customer directly with a driver. The company's services are currently available in as many as 528 cities around the world.

Behind Uber's popularity are undoubtedly the ease of use of the app, the short waiting time for a ride, and the possibility to customise the form of the ride (e.g. Uber Pets, Uber Rent, etc.).

On the other hand, Uber provides an opportunity for people who are looking for a flexible occupation to earn money. The rates for drivers at Uber are attractive, and those who choose to work full-time can earn really good money.

How much does Uber driver earn? What influences the earnings?

This is the question that naturally pops up most frequently in the minds of potential drivers. How much does Uber earn and is it possible to make a living from it? It turns out that Uber wages depend on a number of factors. These include location (related to the popularity of this type of service), working hours, bonuses and extras, and the form of cooperation with Uber.

Remember that how much you earn at Uber also depends on various bonuses and extras. Uber is a champion when it comes to incentivising drivers. Bonuses are available virtually every day and you don't have to drive a lot to claim them, while ultimately Uber earnings at the end of the day depend on the number of trips. The more you drive, the bigger the bonuses you can expect.

Uber — earnings. How much does an Uber driver earn per hour?

How much does an Uber driver earn per hour? According to our statistics, the rate is 33,39 PLN gross. Remember that this amount includes all kinds of bonuses and extras.

We recorded the highest rate for drivers from the Małopolska region - 47,66 PLN  gross. The lowest earnings (11,59 PLN) are in Podlasie, however, it is worth noting that the research group in this region consists of only 1 driver so far. In order to obtain clearer conclusions, it is worth waiting until more people make their earnings data available to us.

In other voivodeships, Uber earnings are as follows:

  • Pomorskie — 37,82 PLN
  • Mazowieckie — 30,59 PLN
  • Dolnośląskie — 34,08 PLN
  • Łódzkie — 40,91 PLN
  • Śląskie — 33,66 PLN
  • Wielkopolskie — 35,08 PLN
  • Zachodniopomorskie — 24,99 PLN
  • Kujawsko-Pomorskie — 37,39 PLN

Uber - earnings. How much does an Uber driver earn per trip?

Źródło: unsplash.com
People who choose to work as a driver only occasionally are usually interested in Uber's rates per single journey. The average income for one ride in Poland is 18,77 PLN gross, including bonuses and extras.

The highest rate of 31,12 PLN was recorded in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship, while the lowest rate was 11,59 PLN in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. It should be noted that, again, the research groups in both these provinces are very small, amounting to one Uber driver per region.

How much does an Uber driver earn per trip in other voivodeships?

  • Pomorskie — 21,08 PLN
  • Małopolskie — 19,14 PLN
  • Mazowieckie — 15,07 PLN
  • Dolnośląskie — 19,96 PLN
  • Łódzkie — 20,22 PLN
  • Śląskie — 14,59 PLN
  • Wielkopolskie — 18,52 PLN
  • Zachodniopomorskie — 16,44 PLN

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Uber driver — earnings are higher with the right partner

As we mentioned earlier, in order to work as an Uber driver, you need to be a sole trader or sign up with a fleet partner. If you want to save time on tax and organisational issues, the second solution will prove to be far more relevant.

Why choose Appjobs Work as your Uber partner?

  • The fleet partner will take care of all the issues related to your Uber employment, including accounting and taxes. You, on the other hand, will have more time to spend on what really matters - earning.
  • Appjobs Work, as a recommended partner, will help you maximise your Uber earnings through attractive bonuses. In addition, we will provide you with a taxi licence at a price up to several hundred zloty lower.
  • Our commission is fixed at just 14 PLN per billing - no matter how many apps you use.

    ➡️ For more details on working for Uber with Appjobs, click here.

Uber driver - start earning any time!

As you can see, frequent and regular Uber work can bring you attractive earnings that will certainly boost your daily budget. Over time, our interactive chart will provide more detailed data; save this article for future reference if you are interested in current Uber driver rates.

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