Bolt - wages in Poland in 2023

What are Bolt wages in different parts of Poland? How much Bolt drivers earn in Warsaw, and what are the rates in Bolt in Silesia? Find out how much Bolt driver can earn!
Last update: 23 August 2023
Zarobki Bolt ile można zarobić

We checked what the Bolt wages are in 2023 and what rates Bolt drivers in different voivodeships can expect. Last update: 23 August 2023

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the average wages in Bolt in Poland?
  • How much can a Bolt driver earn in different parts of Poland?
  • How much can you earn in Bolt per hour and per trip?
  • Why is it worth working with Appjobs as your Bolt partner?

How much does Bolt driver earn in 2023 - summary

According to our data, average earnings at Bolt in 2023 are 61,70 PLN gross per hour and 10,67 PLN gross per journey. So by working at Bolt for 40 hours a week, you can earn up to 10,000 PLN gross per month!

By the way, you can see quite a difference between the earnings per hour and per ride, right? This shows that the courses are quite short, and also that the influence of bonuses on the final earnings at Bolt is quite considerable.

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Bolt driver - earnings and opinions

Bolt is very popular and can be considered a major competitor to Uber, hence the many questions about earnings at Bolt compared to the latter platform. As there are many drivers, there are also many opinions - so we decided to compare the hard data collected anonymously from Appjobs Work users.

We'll be updating this article regularly, so if you're interested in how the Bolt earnings change over months and years, save it and come back to our interactive maps regularly.

Bolt driver - earnings in Poland

For those who are looking for information about what the earnings are like in Bolt, we have prepared an interactive chart which shows the current wages in Bolt in different regions. We obtained the data from 77 drivers from 11 voivodeships.

As the app's creators themselves say, earnings in Bolt can be as high as 60 PLN per hour. We decided to check what the earnings on Bolt look like in different parts of Poland and whether these promises are true.

How much can you earn with Bolt per hour?

It turns out that average earnings in Bolt per hour look really attractive. The individuals we interviewed earn an average of 61,70 PLN gross per hour. A great result? Yes, but note that the result is significantly higher because it was influenced by the earnings of just 2 people from the Zachodnio Pomorskie Voivodeship (104,04 PLN gross). Due to the small research group in this region, this result should, for the time being, be taken with a pinch of salt.

Attractive money can be made on Bolt also in voivodeships:

  • Małopolska (74,59 PLN)
  • Śląsk (64,90 PLN)
  • Podlasie (63,40 PLN)
  • Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (55,10 PLN)
And how much can you earn with Bolt in other regions? Less than 50 PLN per hour is earned by people from the Dolnośląskie (40,83 PLN), Lubelskie (37,65 PLN), Łódzkie (37,22 PLN), Pomorskie (37,79 PLN) and Mazowieckie (38,85 PLN) voivodeships. The lowest earnings in Bolt were received by people from the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship (24,30 PLN).

Remember that the values above are gross amounts, which also include all kinds of bonuses and extras.

Bolt - earnings per trip

If you do not plan to work full-time with Bolt, the rates per single ride will give you a much clearer picture of potential earnings. In Poland, earnings at Bolt for 1 ride are on average 10,67 PLN gross. Quite a difference compared to the average amount per hour, right? This shows that there are a lot of orders in Bolt, but that the journeys are short.

How much does a Bolt driver earn per trip in different voivodeships? According to our statistics, the highest wages per trip are earned by drivers from the Małopolskie Voivodeship - as much as 17,21 PLN gross. Next in line are Bolt drivers from Lower Silesia (14.,10 PLN), Podlasie (12,22 PLN), Wielkopolska (11,75 PLN), West Pomerania (10,79 PLN), Łódź (10,57 PLN), Mazovia (10,44 PLN), Silesia (9,24 PLN), Lublin (8,69 PLN), Pomerania (7,98 PLN) and Kujawy-Pomerania (4,44 PLN).
Zarobki Bolt w Polsce. Ile można zarobić. Appjobs Work

Increase your Bolt earnings by up to 25%!

Only 14 PLN fee per billing of ALL apps, free payouts, additional challenges and work assistant features.

Bolt - earn more with Appjobs Work!

If you have decided to earn with Bolt, you should choose a form of employment even before submitting the application form. The app itself does not employ drivers; you must be a sole trader or work with a fleet partner in order to earn with Bolt. The second option is by far the most popular one, as it saves time and nerves of dealing with tax matters.

Appjobs Work, as Bolt partner, will take care of all the formalities related to your employment and accounting. By working with us, you don't have to worry about anything - you can focus on earning with peace of mind.

We charge the lowest commission on the market: only 14 PLN for billing of all the apps you work with. In addition, we will help you obtain the necessary documents (including a taxi licence). Once you start earning in Bolt, you can comfortably control your earnings in our intuitive mobile app.

How much does Bolt driver earn? Summary

The rates at Bolt in Poland look very attractive: an average of 61,70 PLN gross per hour and 10,67 PLN per single ride. This means that there are a lot of orders, but the journeys are short. Additionally, it shows the importance of bonuses in the final paycheck. If the topic of wages at Bolt is of interest to you, please save this article and return to it in the future. Our statistics will be continually updated.

And remember, as a Bolt driver you will earn more when nothing distracts you from your core duties. Once you entrust the formalities to a Bolt partner, your driving income will become even higher.

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