Quest are not counting my joint orders properly

Updated on
February 28, 2023

Joint order is one where you pick up a few orders from a single restaurant, but all are going to different clients; or trips during which you're picking up multiple orders from different restaurants along the way.

Some work apps are considering such orders as a single gig (trip) from the data perspective. It means that the data we're getting from them shows just 1 activity, and this is reflected in quests - for example, you can have a joined order with 3 different drop addresses, but it will be considered as just 1 gig. By this time, we've identified such situation in Stuart.

We're working on counting joint orders as few instead of one. If you want to help us with it, please send over a screenshot from inside your work app, showing joined order details, on [email protected] and provide a specific info which order it was and how it looked like. This will allow us to identify problematic data and improve counting logic faster.