in Poland -
last 90 days
How much does Glovo courier earn per hour, and per delivery? Find data about Glovo courier salaries all around Poland.
Last update: 
March 26, 2024

Glovo salary in Poland. How much Glovo courier earns across Poland?

in Poland
are on average
24.87 zł
per hour and
12.97 zł
per order.
This data comes from
166 820
completed by
couriers using
the Appjobs Work app
for the last 90 days.
Last update:

You can find the exact earnings in Glovo in different voivodeships on our interactive maps below.

This article explains:

  • What is Glovo, and how does working as Glovo courier look like,
  • What average gross earnings in Glovo can a courier expect, and what they depend on,
  • How much a Glovo courier earns net (“na rękę”): what it depends on, and how to increase that amount,
  • How to become a Glovo courier and start earning on your own terms.

What is Glovo?

Glovo is a mobile app that allows customers to order a variety of products from restaurants, as well as small and large stores (not only groceries). It is a versatile service, offering "whatever you want" deliveries, from food to everyday items.

Glovo is available in nearly 300 cities across the country, making it the largest platform of its kind in Poland. Such a large number of serviced cities means that Glovo needs more and more couriers - and we will show you how much do glovo riders make for such work.

Work in Glovo - how is it, and what can you expect?

While working as Glovo courier, you’ll be accepting delivery orders through the app and delivering them to the final destination. In practice, 90% of times you’ll deliver food from restaurants, while the remaining 10% are market groceries or other, small parcels (e.g., keys). You pick up the order / package from point A and deliver it to point B.

Glovo differs from other delivery apps by the necessity to book working hours in advance. 2 times per week, the calendar refreshes in the app, and you choose your preferred days and working hours. You can start in any location. Orders will come onto your phone, which you easily accept with 1 click. After accepting, you get the data from where and where to deliver the order, and the customer sees where you currently are (if you’ve ever ordered an Uber, then you know how it looks).

Glovo is also unique due to cash payments. Customers can also pay by card, but cash is very popular here. Part of this cash Glovo will allow you to “withdraw” - in practice, it’s Glovo’s way to pay a part of your earnings daily, before the final settlement arrives, which is a nice gesture. It is therefore mandatory to have some change with you while working. The remaining earnings are paid out weekly, usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays, for the full previous calendar week (Monday - Sunday).

It is therefore flexible and fast - an ideal option for students and people who want to earn quickly in their spare time.

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Average earnings in Glovo in Poland for the last 90 days

in Poland
are on average
24.87 zł
per hour and
12.97 zł
per order.
This data comes from
166 820
completed by
couriers using
the Appjobs Work app
for the last 90 days.
Last update:
And how much does
earn in different voivodeships?
Here are the results
of our research
166 820
completed by anonymous
workers, last 90 days) - please wait a few seconds until the data loads:

Glovo courier salary - example Appjobs couriers

There is a saying that while walking a dog, you have an average of 3 legs each. We want to say that the average earnings in Glovo in Poland and in individual voivodeships give an overall picture, but in practice, a Glovo delivery person can earn more - and does not have to work beyond measure to achieve it.

We will show you a few examples of Glovo couriers who chose Appjobs as their partner. The screenshot below comes from our Glovo partner panel and shows 15 couriers who earned the most in the period of 4.12.2023 - 10.12.2023. Let's check how much time it took them:

As you can see, most couriers worked around 40 hours, which is a standard “full-time” job (8 hours a day X 5 days a week = 40 hours total). With about 40 hours of work, average Glovo earnings per hour were about 35 PLN per hour gross.

Interestingly, only 2 couriers out of 15 earned below “three at the front”, meaning an average of 30 PLN per hour. So it can be assumed that Glovo earnings around 30-35 PLN per hour are more or less the standard, but nothing prevents you from earning significantly more, and that’s without overworking on a 1.5-time or 2-time job.

The statistics do not show a rule that “the more you work, the higher the average” - yes, the record holder worked over 80 hours (i.e., a double shift), but his average was 35.80 PLN per hour, while the record holder earned almost 49 PLN per hour, and worked less than 41 hours. How is this possible?

Earnings in Glovo - what influences them, besides the hours worked?

Great question: how is it that a courier who worked as much as 85 hours has lower average hourly earnings than one who worked 41? Shouldn't Glovo reward those more engaged couriers? Of course it should, in its own interest - and Glovo does, but hours are not everything.

So how does Glovo reward engaged couriers exactly? Such actions can be divided into 2 groups:

1️⃣. Various bonuses that increase the amount of earnings
Those are simply additional cash (earnings) coming onto your courier account:

  • Higher rates for orders (the so-called “multiplier”) during rush hours or while working in rain or snow, especially if you deliver by bike,
  • Car couriers receive bonuses for kilometers driven,
  • Tips from customers are always a nice addition,
  • Earnings in Glovo can be significantly increaed by completing special “challenges” available in the app (usually delivering required number of orders in a given time, bonus in extra earnings),
  • Glovo will also pay you extra if the customer changes the delivery address during it, and also if you wait too long to pick up an order at a restaurant,
  • In some cities (mainly smaller ones, where Glovo is just starting operations) there are also minimum hourly rates, usually around 25-30 PLN.

2️⃣. Quality indicators that Glovo algorithm looks at
The more the Glovo algorithm “likes” you, the more attractive orders it will offer you. Some of them are visible in the screenshot above. Apart from the hours worked (i.e., orders completed), these are:

  • Booked slots: As you already know, Glovo requires couriers to book hours in advance. The number of slots is limited and depends on how many orders clients do - for example, more couriers will be needed during lunchtime or weekend evenings than early in the morning. The more willingness to work you show, the more the Glovo algorithm will "like" you (e.g., by allowing you to choose slots earlier than other couriers who deliver less - meaning you have access to the best-paid hours every time),
  • Unbooked slots: Canceling hours in advance is not a problem, as long as it does not happen too often and too late. Imagine that Glovo has a complete set of 10 couriers for a given hour, and suddenly, 30 minutes before the slot starts, half of them cancel their reservations. Restaurants and customers will then wait noticeably longer for their orders, as there is not enough couriers to deliver them. Canceling hours at the last moment leads to less attractive orders and, in the long term, the risk of account blocking,
  • Presence on slots (attendance): Even worse than canceling hours at the last moment is not canceling them at all and not showing up for work. Early cancellation means that another courier can take your place and nothing major will happen, but in this case, Glovo does not have time to react - meaning delivery time will extend for sure. Frequent absences will quickly turn into an account block and cause you to receive less attractive orders because the Glovo algorithm will stop "trusting" you,
  • Slot kickouts: The most negative statistic. Glovo can kick you out of the app with a temporary time block (meaning you also loose slots reserved later) if you are not active - for example, you log into the app, but sit in your apartment. Another reason can be too many reassigned orders, which you will read about below,
  • Reassigned orders (reassignments): When you receive an order, Glovo shows the pickup and delivery point, without other data. If the route does not suit you, you can reject the order, but you cannot do this indefinitely - after several reassignments, you will receive a warning that the next one will result in being kicked out of the slots (kickout). This is how Glovo optimizes delivery time - it may be strange for you that you receive a long route order, but Glovo may not have anyone else nearby, or, for example, you deliver by car, while there are only bike couriers nearby, for whom it will take much longer. The fewer reassignments, the better - by doing so, the algorithm will "like" you, as it will see that it can count on you. In the long term, this will ensure you get more attractive orders.

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Join the courier ranking - only in Appjobs!

Every Glovo courier who chooses us as their partner receives materials about how the Glovo algorithm works. We explain in detail and with examples how the Glovo algorithm works and how to make it "like" you - and thus receive more and better orders, resulting in higher earnings!

After rules are explained, couriers get a summary of their statistics 2 times per week in the form of a ranking, along with suggestions on what to improve to get "liked" more by the algorithm. You can regularly track your progress compared to Glovo couriers all around Poland!

How much does a Glovo delivery person earn net - what affects the “na rękę” salary?

Note that the “earnings” amount visible in Glovo is the gross amount, from which you still need to pay income tax and ZUS (mandatory social insurance). This also applies to received cash and tips.

➡️ This is exactly the service offered by Appjobs as your Glovo partner - we will provide you with legal employment and settle taxes, so that you can simply focus on making money. Our commission is a single, fixed fee of only 14 PLN weekly - and that regardless of the number of applications! In other words: even if you have 10 apps to settle for the last week, you will pay only 14 PLN! No other partner offers such conditions!

The tax and ZUS to be paid will depend on your age, student status, and whether work in Glovo is your only job:

  • People who have not yet reached the age of 26 do not pay income tax (PIT),
  • Students do not pay ZUS, provided their university or family registers them for insurance,
  • People who already work for another employer and receive at least the minimum wage for that work do not pay ZUS contributions except for 9% health (the remaining contributions are one-time - paid by another employer at the minimum wage or higher).

Here are example net earnings out of 2000 PLN gross earnings visible in Glovo app (after 14 zł Appjobs partner fee: 2000 zł income - 14 zł fee = 1986 zł as the starting point):

❗Attention: you can increase your net earnings by also signing a vehicle rental agreement. By doing so, you'll receive a part of your earnings based on the rental contract, which has lower tax burden than contract of mandate.

Here's a comparison of weekly settlement for a person who doesn't have any other employer, in not a student and is already over 25 years old:

📫 If you need more information, write to us at [email protected]!

How to become a Glovo courier?

👉 Start by registering on Glovo website here.

Next, download the Appjobs Work application from Google Play (Android) or App Store (iPhone). Sign up and sign work contract - our app will guide you step by step through the entire process.

Earnings in Glovo - summary

Working in Glovo offers flexible working hours, attractive earnings, and the opportunity to earn depending on individual preferences and commitment. It’s a perfect option both for those looking for some extra cash, as well as for those who want to make it their main source of income.

You now know how much Glovo courier earns across Poland, how such work looks like, and what to do to earn even more. And if you are interested, the instructions above show how to become a Glovo courier with great details. In practice, you now have the full knowledge to decide if work in Glovo is for you!

Then register through this form and start working even in 2-3 days:

Sign up with Glovo

And if you have more questions, feel free to write to [email protected], we will be happy to help you with everything!

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